
12 Months to 3 Years



Support your child’s development by singing, reading, and talking together!

Your child’s brain grows faster during the first few years of life than it ever will again. And development of all kinds happens fast! 

During this phase, focusing on language development is the #1 thing you can do to set a strong foundation for future learning. And the best way to do that is by talking, reading, and singing with your toddler every day. (Even before they can respond.)

If your goal is to be proactive with communication development, we are giving you the biggest high five! We wish more parents knew what you know. (That’s part of the reason why we started Wee Talkers!)




Songs + Stories: Guilt-free screen time supports toddler development. And doesn’t lead to meltdowns!

Songs + Stories is a screen time membership made up of short, educational videos for toddlers that are inspired by library storytime—and taught by speech therapists.

✓ Safe, ad-free content

✓ Taught by speech therapists

✓ Slow-paced + low-stimulation

✓ Engaging themes kids love

Did we just describe you?↴



There’s A Lot Of Pressure On Parents.

Right now, your child is in a critical phase of development, so what you do to encourage that development goes a really long way. 

That’s all good and fascinating, right? But, let’s be honest. It’s a lot of pressure, too!

Sure, doing all the things with your child all day would be ideal—in theory. If you’re up for that, great! We’re all for it. But we also know how important it is for you to rest, enjoy your days with your children, and just have fun.

We find that working language into the routines you’re already doing throughout your day is the best way to support communication development. Because children learn things best within predictable routines and contexts they already know—especially when learning something new.

So permission to focus on little moments of communication and connection throughout the day, and skip the big activities that require tons of prep and materials. 

Want help with this? Check out our Songs+Stories membership. There’s a language-supporting song for basically everything your toddler does in a day, from must-dos like getting dressed and going to the doctor to fun things like obsessing over animals and things that go!


Read This Next

5 things every toddler parent should know

These are the main things we share with our therapy clients who, too often, tell us they wish they’d been told sooner. So, we’re making it our mission to spread the word!

how simple songs & rhymes support early development

Learn how songs and rhymes help with early literacy development, and why we recommend adding them to your routine as your child prepares to read and write.

how to get your child ready for kindergarten

While we can’t help with your big feelings about kindergarten (we’re in our feelings, too!) we can help you understand the skills your child needs to truly be ready.