How To Parent When You Are Exhausted: 14 Low-Energy Games You Can Play Laying Down


Where are our exhausted toddler parents at? Whether you’re pregnant and tired, burnt out and tired, or you just plain cannot today, we’ve got you covered with 14 easy, low-energy games that your toddler will love— and that you can play laying down!

We’re allllll for encouraging & supporting independent play and taking actual breaks to take care of ourselves, but keep these ideas on hand for when you need them. And send it to your pregnant friends who have toddlers. They will thank you!


How To Parent When You’re Exhausted AF

PSA: There are parents everywhere who are completely exhausted. They’re burnt out, overtired, overwhelmed, overworked, and lonely. You are not alone!

Here’s a quick list of just a few of the things that may have you running on fumes today:

  • Homeschooling

  • Lack of child care

  • None of your usual social supports

  • Dealing with your own mental health

  • Having a new baby at home

  • Being pregnant

  • 24/7 decision-making, scrutiny, and second-guessing that comes with being a modern-day parent

Point is, this whole parenting thing is a LOT! So, if you’re exhausted today — even if you’re exhausted most days — we see you, you’re not alone, and it’s totally okay. 


When You’re Too Exhausted To Play With Your Toddler...

We know you’ve been there. We all have! All you want to do is sit or lay down — even for just 10 precious minutes — but your child has other plans for you. All your child wants to do is play!⁣

And we don’t know if it’s Murphy’s law or bad luck, but it seems like in these moments, our kids don’t just want to play solo or do a puzzle. No, they want to full-on PLAY. It’s like whenever we’re the most tired, they’re in the mood for a pots-and-pans rock band or a game of musical tag.

We’re a pretty sentimental, soak-it-all-up kind of parent, but we’re going to go out on a limb and say that these are the coffee-addiction-inducing moments we may not miss ten or twenty years from now!⁣

...Remember That Tired Parenting Is Still Great Parenting!

Take heart, tired parents. Even though you’re tired, you’re doing great. 

We want you to know that supporting language development doesn’t need to be elaborate or take a lot of planning. Simple moments of connections are so valuable! Stop yourself from the negative self-talk that’s telling you you’re phoning it in today. Your toddler is lucky to have you on all the different kinds of days you have together!

We hope that these games will give you both a physical rest break and a mental break— knowing that you’re still doing something great for your little ones, even as you prioritize a little downtime. ⁣


14 Games Exhausted Parents of Toddlers Can Play Laying Down

If you’re feeling like you’re far too exhausted to play with your toddler today, here are a few low-energy games you can play while laying down or resting.

#1 Dress Up Costume Runway Show

Be your toddler’s biggest hype girl (or guy), and do it from the couch. We use the bottom drawer of our kids’ dresser for dress up items and accessories, so we can just easily throw it all back in after a dress up clothes explosion. 

#2 Cars & Trucks

Let your toddler use the back of your body as a road for trucks and cars. Bonus: if you close your eyes and try real hard to drown out the noises, you might be able to convince yourself that you’re getting a massage!

#3 Pirate On A Boat

You’re a pirate, the couch is your boat, and your child is a shark in the water. Watch out! They may bite or try to climb on board.

#4 Simon Says

You’re Simon. Every time.

#5 Hiding Monster

Be a big, scary monster and hide under a blanket on the couch or floor. All you have to do is pop out at them once in a while and they’ll be delighted!

#6 Laying Down Peek-A-Boo

Hide under a blanket, lay down, and every once in a while, pop out and say “Peek-a-boo!”

#7 Doctor

Your toddler is the doctor, you’re the patient. Lie down on the table and let them tell you that you have rotten teeth or broken earlobes until you feel recharged!

#8 Bedtime Routine

You’re the child in this scenario, and your toddler is the parent. Let them make up your bedtime routine and put you to sleep.

#9 Sleeping Giant

Lie down and become the sleeping giant while your toddler builds blocks all around you. When they’re done (or you are), move around and “wake up”.

#10 What Am I? Toy Edition

Lay down, let your toddler put a toy on your back, and try to guess what it is. Repeat until you’re well-rested.

#11 Talking Games

Get comfy together and play a talking game by naming items in a category or playing eye spy.

#12 Read

Cuddle up on the couch and read as many as you can/want to. (Or, more likely, re-read the same one over and over again!)

#13 Hair Salon

Sit down on the floor and let your child play with your hair.

#14 Spa Day

Play hair salon, give each other massages, or even soak your feet together in the tub!


More Chill-But-Fun Toddler Activities

What’s more chill than reading?

If laying down and reading together sounds appealing, whether it’s because you’re trying to play with your toddler while pregnant, because you and your partner got into the wine last night, or because you’re just plain Tuesday-in-January tired, check out my book picks for babies and toddlers.

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