Apple Music & Spotify Playlists for Kids: Toddler & Baby Songs Parents Love Too!


♥️ Currently Featuring: Love Songs ♥️



Find more of our playlists for kids and families below.

apple music and spotify playlists for kids, toddler and baby songs parents will love too

We know that music is such a powerful tool for little ones—for communication, for a mood lifter, and for connection. But, as sad as it is to admit, sometimes kid music can be ROUGH on parents. The high-pitch voices? The overly animated songs and sounds? The same song over and over again? It’s enough to make any parent go a little crazy.

That’s why we made playlists on Apple Music and Spotify for kids! We compiled all our favorite kids music into toddler and baby playlists that won’t make you want to pull your hair out. IYKYK⁣! 🤪

Search “Wee Talkers” on Spotify or Apple Music to find our toddler and baby playlists, or click the links within this post!


Music Is Great for Toddler Development!

Music benefits our toddlers in so many ways. It helps them learn language, it allows us to introduce new words and concepts, and it provides opportunities for repetition and imitation—both of which support language development.

The developmental progression most toddlers move through when it comes to music goes like this:⁣

  • Attends to music⁣

  • Dances⁣

  • Copies motor movements⁣ related to the song

  • Copies the way the song sounds ⁣(the melody)

  • Uses a real word on occasion⁣

  • Requests certain songs⁣ (over and over 😂)

  • Sings along with the lyrics

Side note: Music is also super beneficial for toddler parents! Because it’s so fun and playful, it has the power to switch up the energy in the house, reverse bad moods (at least temporarily), make waiting and routines more fun, and increase connection and bonding. Plus, songs and rhymes require zero setup—AND you don’t even have to be talented! If you haven’t embraced the musicality of toddler parenting, now’s the time!

Related: Music & Your Toddler’s Development


Apple Music & Spotify Playlists for Kids (That Parents Won’t Hate!)

For allll the reasons we listed above, we love listening to music with our kids! But, as speech therapists and as moms of 6 who prefer to keep it together rather than lose it over hearing the SAME song repeated 1,000 times 😅 we’re picky with what we play.

We’ve spent a lot of time finding family-friendly songs that we love as much as our kids do, and we want to share some of our favourites with you. Now, these are the songs that work best for our families, but yours is unique! So we recommend using our lists as a jumping off point. You can see which songs and artists your family enjoys most, and find more of that!

Click the links below to open our playlists on whatever device you’re on right now. Or, open up Apple Music or the Spotify app on your phone and search “Wee Talkers.”


Our newest playlist, Grateful Songs, is here to help families celebrate gratitude together. This playlist is filled with songs that inspire thankfulness, joy, and connection—perfect for cozy moments and teaching little ones about the importance of appreciating what we have.

Volume 1: Good Moods Ahead

Laidback artists like Raffi, JJ Heller, and the Laurie Berkner Band make up this kid-friendly, good-mood playlist! Hit play on this one any time of day or year to boost the mood!

Volume 2: Happy Sounds & Songs

With “If All The Raindrops,” “Bumblebee (Buzz Buzz),” and “The Happy Song,” all in one place, this playlist is full of fun songs, with nice melodies and silly sounds that keep kids engaged.

Volume 3: Family Favorites

Remember singing “You Are My Sunshine,” “The Bare Necessities” and “Puff The Magic Dragon” while you were growing up? Then you’ll love singing these modern versions with your littles, too!

Volume 4: Love Songs

A short but oh-so sweet list of our favourite kid-friendly songs about love! The perfect playlist to share with your little ones. We love this list for special days and for quiet, calm moments.

NEW: Calm down/time for rest

This is a new edition, and we are stoked about it. It’s just handy to have on hand because we love putting on music leading up to rest time to help signal what’s coming up next in the routine. It really helps everyone to slow down and changes the whole mood. We hope you love it!

Volume 5: Christmas Songs

Around the holidays, even the traditional Christmas music that plays is a lot. But kids’ Christmas music? Oooof! Listen to this playlist when you want to feel festive and fun, but still want to keep the vibe relaxed and calm.


interested in podcasts for kids?!

We love using Spotify and Apple Music to listen to podcasts for ourselves, but it has been so neat to watch our own kids enjoy podcasts recently. The problem is, there’s not a ton for toddlers and preschoolers—it always seems a little too advanced or complex.

It’s why we added podcasts to our Songs+Stories membership—it’s like library storytime vibes, but led by SLPs (us!) and made with your child’s development in mind. Right now, you can check out an episode (along with 3 free storytime videos) by clicking the link below. Your little one will love it (and we think you will too) 💛