Our fav book recs for introducing a new sibling to your family–we kept toddlers and preschoolers in mind!
Read MoreLearn to reframe screens as a tool you can feel comfortable using when you need to, while still making screen time as healthy as possible for your toddler or preschooler!
Read MoreThe list of the best no-mess, low-noise toys & books for your diaper bag! Put together by moms and pediatric speech-language pathologists who get it.
Read MorePacifiers aren't bad, but they can affect speech & language! Learn what to do if your toddler still uses theirs & get weaning tips from moms & SLPs!
Read MoreAs speech therapists and moms, we know ANY toy your child loves can support their development. But these are our go-to’s for helping babies and toddlers talk and communicate more!
Read MoreTalking is hard! It’s normal for toddlers to use shortcuts (phonological processes) to make it easier. Learn when you can expect these "mistakes" to resolve!
Read MoreImitation skills are necessary for first words. So let’s get your child copying you! Learn the steps of imitation development & how to get them started.
Read MoreHow to encourage social skill development in your toddler. Regardless of their disposition, birth year, or whether or not they've lived through a pandemic! 😅
Read MorePronoun confusion is a common part of language development, but it can be frustrating for toddlers. Learn what's typical, what's not, and how you can help.
Read MoreEven though your 18-month-old is not talking much, the fact that they understand is a great sign! Now, let's build on their progress and get them talking more.
Read MoreYour child's delay is not your fault 💛 This post will reassure you, equip you with important info & provide clear next steps you can take when you’re ready.
Read MoreIf your child is a late talker, it's hard not to worry. But this post, full of advice, info & support from speech therapists, will help you confidently take next steps!
Read MoreAs speech therapists and moms of 6, these are the 12 games for toddlers ages 3 and up we ALWAYS recommend! (And know your fam will love!)
Read MoreWhether you have concerns, want to be proactive, or your toddler is in speech therapy, this post will teach you to encourage speech in your toddler at home!
Read MoreA guide to sign language for toddlers: What it is, why it’s beneficial & how to teach it to your little one, with answers to FAQs like "Do signs count as words?!"
Read MoreHow much is speech therapy for toddlers? Get a breakdown of the costs of early intervention, preschool services, outpatient clinics & private practice!
Read More18 simple, low set-up games to play with toddlers indoors. Encourage language development, engage your littles, and pass the time on longer toddler days!
Read MoreOur favourite speech therapy toys for toddlers & why we love them. Add our picks to your shopping list or use what you learn to find new favs!
Read MoreSpeech therapists' favourite books to help toddlers talk. We use these books in speech therapy and at home. So we think your family will love them!
Read MoreQ: Do speech-delayed toddlers catch up? A: They might! Click to learn the odds, your next steps & what we recommend to parents of speech-delayed toddlers.
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